University of the Nations


SCHOOL of BIblical Studies I, II, & III

The SBS surveys the whole Bible using the inductive approach (observation, interpretation, application). This course is an experiment as SBS lectures and homework with be a mix of live online lectures and recorded videos. This allows us to keep the cost down while providing periodic live interaction for motivation and encouragement. The SBS is an intensive course requiring 25-30 hours per week of focused study. The result is that students will have read through each book of the Bible approximately 5 times.

Q1 January 6 – April 18; Q2 May 15 – August 15; Q3 September 1 – December 12

Tuition Cost per Quarter: $100 A Countries / $75 B Countries / $50 C Countries (Financial Category Nation List)

Format: Online; Weekly Cohort Meetings via Zoom

Syllabus Here / Apply Here


This course is designed to instill confidence to be a Bible teacher through biblical, historical, and theological readings. It will equip students with a deeper understanding of: 1) Biblical Studies; 2) Biblical History; 3) Church History; 4) Theology.

January 6 – April 25, 2025

Tuition Cost: $100 A Countries / $75 B Countries / $50 C Countries (Financial Category Nation List)

Format: Online

Syllabus Here 


This course introduces tools for us to celebrate God’s design as sons and daughters. Topics include: trauma, sexuality, family systems, inner healing, and more. Our goal is that students be transformed, and become agents of transformation to bring His blessing to the nations. The course offers six weeks aimed at personal transformation and healing, as well as six weeks of foundational training to begin ministering to others. RRF lays a foundation for personal wholeness preparing the student for upper-level courses on relationship systems and therapeutic techniques for ministry.

February 17 – May 9, 2025

Tuition Cost: $400 A Countries / $250 B Countries / $100 C Countries (Financial Category Nation List)

Hybrid Format: Face-to-Face or Online



The Discipleship Bible School contributes to the spiritual formation of a minister of the Word, the formation of a community, equips Bible students to facilitate small group discussions around biblical principles and compare worldviews. DBS students will read through God’s Word from beginning to end, and will also be able to clearly communicate God’s Redemptive Plan as revealed in Scripture. 

March 24 – June 13, 2025

Tuition Cost: $400 A Countries / $250 B Countries / $100 C Countries (Financial Category Nation List)

Hybrid Format: Face-to-Face or Online

Apply Here



Read & discuss many of C.S. Lewis’ most influential works, including Mere Christianity, Screwtap Letters, The Great Divorce, Till We Have Faces, A Grief Observed, and more! This is a 2-credit online course with weekly discussion-based meetings.

June 30 – August 22, 2025

Tuition Cost: $50 A Countries / $40 B Countries / $30 C Countries (Financial Category Nation List)

Format: Online

Syllabus Here

humanities & Science: A Christian Perspective

This core course aims to examine and celebrate God’s truth in every sphere of society, in alignment with the exhortation to meditate on “whatever is true, honorable, just, sacred, lovely and of good report” (Philippians 4:8). It encompasses the humanities and science and technology, looking at the achievements and failures of individuals, societies, and nations, past and present. The course allots eight weeks of study to humanities, and four weeks to science, though the goal is an integrated approach. This course meets the UofN Core Curriculum requirement for Applied Christian Thinking.

September 22 – December 12, 2025

Tuition Cost: $400 A Countries / $250 B Countries / $100 C Countries (Financial Category Nation List)

Hybrid Format: Face-to-Face or Online

Apply Here



Classes attended in-person in Penang or live on Zoom. 


Students are responsible for books and material. 


Assignments are completed via Google Classroom.




Once or twice a week students & faculty will meet in as a cohort.

the details


YWAM Penang has both male and female dorms for full-time live-in students. Students can also rent their own housing. These costs are in addition to tuition. 


Meals are the responsibility of the student. Kitchens are available at our dorms, and inexpensive food is served at multiple hawker stalls nearby.

Apply Today!

Tuition (except when noted otherwise above):
A Country: $300

B Country: $200

C Country: $100 

Tanjung Bungah, Penang

7 + 10 =

Part of the YWAM global family of ministries
